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The Right Botanical Wallpaper For Your Home This Christmas

The Right Botanical Wallpaper For Your Home This Christmas

Creating a perfect home is overwhelmingly tiring, involving various little things. Putting wallpaper in your home is a great way to change your style and bring a unique effect. Moreover, they are not as hassle and messy as painting. However, choosing the right wallpaper is confusing and complex. 

Fed up with old-looking walls? Try something new this Christmas

Though several wallpaper designs for home are available, botanical wallpapers bring some new positivity into the home. If you love trendy botanical wallpapers, you might wonder what pattern will look good in your space and whatnot. 

Manolo Walls company brings you a guide to select the right botanical wallpaper for your home this Christmas. 

What are the few things to keep in mind while selecting the right wallpaper? 
Picking the right wallpaper pattern is easier said than done, there are a lot of things that need to be handled carefully before selecting the perfect wallpaper designs for home. So, are you ready to give your home a new vibe? Let's have a look: 

Measure your wall:
First things first, you cannot select the right wallpaper without knowing the exact measurements of your room, in horizontal and vertical directions. So, you can decide how your pattern will look in a room. Depending on your room size, different motifs or patterns will have different impacts. 

Try patterns based on the direction of motifs:
Botanical wallpaper pattern moving in horizontal direction gives the illusion of length, making your room appear larger than it already is. However, if you try patterns in a vertical direction, you can make your room look taller. Both give different illusions, so if you have a small room, try patterns in a horizontal direction otherwise virtual. 

Select wallpaper based on the motif or pattern size:
The size of motifs creates a different impact on room size like horizontal or vertical direction. Small and intricate motifs on
botanical wallpaper make your room look smaller, it brings your room closer. If you have a large room or want to put wallpaper on the living room, then small intricate motifs are perfect. However, for smaller rooms, large or big motifs are more suitable to give the illusion of a larger room. 

How can wallpaper color impact your room? 
Colors have a physiological impact on humans, each color gives a different vibe and illusions. So, choosing the right color for botanical print wallpaper is highly crucial as it can make or break the look of your perfect room. Here's how you can decide the right color for wallpaper: 

Pick a subtle color for a bold pattern:
If you like
botanical wallpaper with bold patterns, try to opt for subtle color. Bold color and dark color will become too heavy for the eyes. For instance, floral branches and light blue color or light pink will give an airy feeling. 

Colorful wallpaper as backdrop:
Bold patterns on
vintage botanical wallpaper look great behind large furniture. Sometimes less is more, so select wallpaper based on your furniture. For instance, living room furniture includes large sofa sets that look good with bold patterns as a backdrop. 

Often we decide the color and pattern of wallpaper based on the color schemes of the room. But, sometimes, Mismatched color schemes look unique and give a vibrant look. Select a contrasting or color block theme with your room and
botanical wallpaper combination. 

One of the best ways to decide the right color is using color theory. Color theory teaches you the right contrast, shades, tints, and combinations that will look perfect. Along with the psychological meaning of the colors. For instance, Green color depicts balance, freshness, and healing, Red brings energy and excitement, yellow brings warmth. 

Manolo walls bring you a wide collection this Christmas 
We hope you learned a few things about how color, pattern Size, motifs, textures, directions can make your room look smaller or larger. Choose a botanical wallpaper for walls that fits your taste, preferences and also optimize the way your room looks. 

Manolo Walls brings creative and beautiful botanical patterns for wallpapers this Christmas that can bring vibrant, positive, and happy vibes to your place. From large to small patterns to warm colors to cool colors, you can find almost all types of patterns that will suit your preferences. Check out their collections, compare them with what you are looking for, and select the right botanical print wallpaper for your home. Moreover, they can be great gifting ideas for Someone this Christmas or New Year's Eve.

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